You may be wondering why another blog when we already have Wunderli Wanderings. That is a good question so let me try and explain.
Over a year ago, whilst involved in teaching at a Bible study in Uganda, I was brainstorming and praying about how God wanted to lead this particular study and what He wanted to do with it. We might have been studying Genesis at the time, I can't quite remember, but the idea of a Well came up. There are many places in the Bible where a Well has significance. Some examples are where Isaac met his future wife Rebekah in Genesis 24, Hagar names God, the God who sees, at a Well in Genesis 16 and Jesus, who was weary from travelling, was sitting by a Well in John 4 where he meets a woman from Samaria who was drawing water. There are also other places in the Bible whereby water wells had significance. (Check out the passages above to read the full stories)
As can be seen from the above examples a well was a meeting place where people had their needs met. Sometimes it was just a place where a physical need was provided for but at other times it was much more than that. It was a place where emotional and spiritual issues were dealt with. That is what I wanted for our Ladies Bible study, a place where people felt nourished through God's Word in all areas of their lives and a place where they found fellowship with God and other believers.
Over the many years that I have been involved in Bible studies one thing that I have never managed to do is to keep a regular journal of the things I have learned. To be honest I just don't like to journal. Many a person over the years has promoted journaling to me whether it is through a sermon, a conference or even a good friend. However, it just didn't stick. I could relay all the good reasons why it is good to journal but it still doesn't get me to journal.
So, I have decided to embark on a blog to help me retain what I am learning. I plan to write down the things that have jumped out at me along the way and share it with others. I don't have it all worked out as to how it is all going to look but that will be a work in progress. I invite you to "Come by the Well" on occasion and just sit for a bit and read and ponder the things that I have learned which I trust will be an encouragement to you. I might just add in a question or two to get you thinking. I would also be glad for this not to be a one way street so if you have things to share go right ahead.
I am looking forward to be challenged in this area and look forward to the learning process. Just to give you a heads up the next few posts will be related to the Book of James as that is the Book we will be studying in this next season.
Hope to see you at The Well!
Pam x
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