Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Favouritism not an option

Partiality and favouritism are both things I am sure all of us have had to deal with at some point in our lives.  The sad thing is that it infiltrates our churches making us a bad example to those who don’t know Christ.  There is nothing worse than walking into a church knowing that there are closed groups and no matter what you do you won’t fit in.

This is something that James addresses because it was an issue in his time.   James warns us not to judge people by outward appearance.  Matthew 7:1ff speaks to this issue.   We are not to judge.  It is not an option for us to take.  The next time you are in a group of people check where your thoughts go.  Have you already classified someone in that group? What areas do we judge people?  Background, culture, tribe, career (or lack of), clothes, too tall, too short, too fat, too thin, talks too much, doesn’t talk much, political standing, undisciplined children and list goes on.  We need to be careful how we judge because to the measure that we judge someone is the same measure that we to are judged.  Matthew 7:2.

Everyone has something to offer in their church fellowship and that includes the poor.  We are not to right the poor off.  The poor might not be able to add much to the financial pot in our church but sometimes they contribute more spiritually.  Read James 2:5.  God turns what the world holds dear and turns it on its head.  We need to be careful when we judge.

Today as you walk through your day be mindful of the times you judge.  You might be surprised at how many times we do it.  This shows a heart condition.  James instructs us to love our neigbour.  What does that mean? How are we to love our neighbor?  Who is our neighbor?  One definition of neighbor is “a fellow human being”.  If this is true then everyone we come in contact with is our neighbor.  Favouritism or partiality is a problem in our society just like it was in the time that James lived.  It is something we need to fight against.  It is too easy just to go with the flow or to go with public opinion.  We need to use God’s Word as our standard of living not public opinion.

James asks us at the beginning of this chapter not to show favouritism but he goes one step further in James 2:9.  He calls it sin.  For those of us who show favouritism we need to realize how serious it is.  We are sinning and therefore we are lawbreakers.  Most, if not all of us, don’t want to be called lawbreakers.  We want to be seen as law abiding citizens.  If we are to be law abiding citizens then we can’t show favouritism.  Simple to say but not always simple to do.

James talks of keeping the Royal Law and Jesus also talks about it in Matthew 22:37-40.  Keeping a law means that we do it.  We are to put into practice the Word of God.  As we mentioned last time we need to be doers of the Word not just Hearers. 

In our society today we compromise God’s Word.  There are some sins today that appear to be more culturally acceptable than they were maybe 50 years ago.  We get desensitized and before we know it we make excuses for sin.  God does not have acts of sin in categories where one is less than another.  They may have different consequences but God calls it what it is…sin.  James says in 2:10-11 that if we break one part of the law then we are guilty of breaking it all.  This should be a huge motivator for us to do what is right in the sight of God.  Do we get it wrong sometimes, absolutely and there is grace and forgiveness but we shouldn’t be living a life whereby we tolerate known sin in our life.  This is not pleasing to God.

James goes onto say in James 2:12-13 that we will need to give an account to God for our life here on earth.  Our life will be displayed before God and there will be no hiding.  As in the parable of the Talents we want to hear the same words from our Master, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”

May those who walk into our churches, Bible study groups, prayer meetings, fellowship gatherings find impartiality and be welcomed into our midst.  For some of us this will take effort and a change of mindset but the dividends will be worth it.   May we be viewed as different to those of this world.  May those that don’t know Christ as their Lord and Saviour be drawn to their redeemer because of what they see in us.  It is quite the challenge but be encouraged with Philippians 4:13. 

I am always encouraged by those who share what they are learning through God’s Word.  Let me know how the challenge of not being partial or showing favouritism outworks in your life.  We run this race together. Hebrews 12:1-3.

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