Thursday, March 5, 2015

Application - Judges 4 and 5

Please read Judges Chapter 4-5

Discussion Questions

1.       What do we learn about Deborah and Barak as people?  What kind of characters did they have?

2.       What is significant about God using two women to help His people?

3.       Read Judges 5:12-18.  How did the tribes respond to the call to the battle?  Why?

4.       Why do you think Deborah and Barak put a song together in Judges 5?

One Step Further
1.       What do you learn about leadership or service when it comes to Deborah and Barak?
2.       Is there something you need to change in your life in order to be more usable for God’s service?
*Some questions taken from “Be Available” by Warren Wiersbe



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