Thursday, February 26, 2015

Application - Judges Chapter 3

Journeying through Judges

Please read Judges Chapter 3

Discussion Questions

1.       Charles Spurgeon said that “ God never allows His people to sin successfully.  Their sin will either destroy them or it will invite the chastening hand of God”  How do you see this playing out in Judges 3?
2.          What did God teach the Israelites through their enemies?

3.       What do you learn from the Judges in chapter 3?

4.       What resources did the Judges have that enabled them to defeat their enemies?

One Step Further

All of us battle enemies at some point in our life. What resources are available to us to defeat those enemies?

The nation of Israel conformed to the nations around them.  In what way do we do the same with the world around us?  What things do we bring into our everyday life that has no business being there?  Do we invite the chastening hand of God into our lives?  Share your thoughts.

"Bible study is not complete until we ask ourselves, “What does this mean for my life and how can I practically apply it?”

John MacArthur

Journeying Through Judges Chapter 3

Judges chapter 3


We start out in chapter 3 with a test from the Lord.  How many of us like tests?  I guess it depends on the test but more than likely they are not on our top list of fun things to participate in.

The Lord was not going to wipe out the pagan nations in the Promised Land for the Israelites but was going to leave them there to test the Israelites.   He was going to use it to give the Israelites warfare experience as some of the Israelites had never experienced it and God knew they were going to need it in the future.  These nations were also left to see whether or not the Israelites would obey God’s commands.

One thing I want us to get before we go any further forward is that no matter how many times the Israelites failed in their obedience to God He never turned His back on them.  Each time they were repentant He was there to receive them back into fellowship.  God does the same for us today.

One thing to note in this chapter is that Jehovah God is mentioned 15 times in 31 verses. I wonder who is in charge?

From 3:6 we see what happens when we are content to live amongst people who are not a good influence on us. Read it…..we compromise to fit in.  Relationships can get us into trouble especially if they are of the romantic nature.  Not only did the Israelites fall in love with pagan men and women but they also stretched their love and worship towards serving false gods.

So here we are introduced to our first Judge, Othniel.  God sold the Israelites into the hands of the King of Aram and were subject to him for 8 years.    It took 8 years for the Israelites to cry out to God…talk about stubborn..  They suffered for 8 years before turning to God.   Othniel, the younger brother of Caleb, was appointed to save them.  Notice he wasn’t appointed a judge to work in his own strength.  It says the Spirit of the Lord came upon him.  It was the Lord who won the battle through Othniel and the King of Aram was overpowered.  The land then had peace for 40 years until Othniel died.

Sidenote:  Othniel was an ordinary man but with an extraordinary God.  Othniel could not have done what he did without the Holy Spirit.  He yielded himself to the Holy Spirit to work in and through him and see what he accomplished.  What ministries are we involved in? Do we have a role in our local church, in an organization, what about our families?  Are our churches just buildings filled with people going through a program or are they yielded to the HS.  What does Acts 1:8 say about the HS?  Let us be mindful of the HS in our lives and not to do things in our own strength.  It will wear us out and we won’t be nearly as effective.  Someone said if you took the HS out of the early church then 90% of the people would  have walked away.  Who knows if that would be true but there is only so much we can do and for how long when we do things in our own strength.

I think we know what is coming….it is another change in the cycle.

This time it might have been a different King but the scenario was the same.  The Israelites did evil in the sight of the Lord.  Notice God is always in control.  He was the one that gave Eglon power over the Israelites.  They attacked the city of Jericho which in turn put Israel in bondage for another 18 years.  You would think they would have learned but we are not unlike the Israelites with having short memories.  Like every other relationship in our lives it takes investment and doesn’t happen automatically.

We definitely serve a long suffering God.  The Israelites called out to God again in their distress and he gave them a deliverer a left handed man called Ehud from the tribe of Benjamin.  He was to be their next Judge and savior.  Left handed people in ancient times were often forced to become right handers.  The fact that Ehud was named a left hander shows that he wasn’t forced to change.  The  tribe of Benjamin was known for its left handers.  We read in Judges 20:16 of 700 left handed warriors.

In verse 15 we see the Israelites sending Ehud with the tribute that was due to be paid to King Eglon.  When Ehud was checked for weapons the guards would not think of looking on his right side but on his left.  Hence the reason Ehud was able to be in the Kings presence with a weapon.

Ehud left with his men after paying the tribute and then he doubled back and asked to see the King again.  Probably because he had just seen the king and had come alone he didn’t seem to be a threat.

Ehud approached the King in an upper room and told him he had a secret message from God.  Notice the King stands to receive the message.  Ehud said no more and reached for his dagger and thrust it into the belly of the King.  The king was so fat that even the handle disappeared in with the blade and the dagger went all the way through and out the back.  It also shows the strength that Ehud had.

Then we have Ehud locking King Eglon in the upper room.  When the servants arrived they found the doors locked and presumed he was in the bathroom.  How long do you wait before going to check on someone who has been in the bathroom?.  Anyone who has suffered from dysentery or amoebas or a stomach virus knows that you spend a lot of time in the bathroom.  However, the servants got to the point where they waited an embarrassingly long time and unlocked the door.  They found King Eglon dead.

Ehud had escaped the palace and rallied the Israelites by blowing a trumpet.  He led the Israelites down into Moab where 10,000 Moabites were killed.  Notice Ehud couldn’t take Moab by himself he needed faithful people around him to carry it out.  It takes team effort to get the job done.

Notice that Ehud doesn’t take the glory for any of it but attests it to the Lord in v28.  Moab was given into the hands of Israel and there was peace for 80 years.  This was the longest period of time the Israelites enjoyed peace and freedom in their 400 year period of the Judges.

Shamgar is next.  I t doesn’t say he is Judge but he was certainly used of God.  He gets one verse.  However, his impact was significant.   God used Shamgar to deal with 600 Philistines using an oxgoad

An oxgoad was a stick that was 8 feet long -  there is a pointy bit at the end for poking the ox and the other end is like a chisel which is used for scraping dirt of the plow.  (Guzik)

ii. "In the hands of a strong, skilful man, such an instrument must be more dangerous and more fatal than any sword." (Clarke).

One of the lessons we see from Shamgar is that he made himself available to be used by God.  As one Pastor said God can use whatever is in our hands for His purposes.  He used a left handed man in a society that was predominantly right handed and he used a labourer and his tool to wipe out 600 of the enemy. 

What has God put in our hands to be used for His glory?  We will see more of unusual tools that God uses as we walk through Judges.

Warren Wiersbe paraphrases someone called EM Bounds and says “the world is looking for better methods, but God is looking for better men and women who understand the basics:  the power of the HS, wise strategy and steadfast courage”

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Application - Judges 1 and 2

Journeying through Judges

Please read Judges chapters 1 and 2

Discussion Questions

1.       In reading the first chapter of Judges we see a theme going on with the Israelites and the people they come in contact with in the Promised Land.  What was it and why was their disobedience in this area so devastating?

2.       We often make the same promises to God that the Israelities did all those years ago to follow God no matter what.  However, generally speaking  what “Baals” stop us from following God unreservedly at times?   Personally, does God share the throne of your heart with something or someone else?  Joshua 24:19 says our God is a jealous God.  Share your thoughts on this verse.  Give some time to question 2. J

*A Baal can be described as “an owner, master or lord” (Idleman)


3.       Read Deuteronomy CH 6,7,8,11,13 – comment on anything that stands out to you in these chapters

One Step Further

Spend some time praying this week regarding any idols that might be in your life.  Sometimes we become so comfortable with an idol that we don’t see it as one at all.  Ask the Holy Spirit to shed some light in those corners of our lives that we don’t go to very often.
If you recognize idol(s) in your life what is your plan of action to deal with “them”?   Is there someone you are comfortable sharing this information with? If so ask them to keep you accountable.



"Bible study is not complete until we ask ourselves, “What does this mean for my life and how can I practically apply it?”

John MacArthur

Journeying Through Judges Chapters 1 and 2

Judges 1 and 2

After Joshua died the people of Israel had lost their Godly leader and so had to trust God completely for the way forward.  It wasn’t going to be easy for them.  Before Joshua they had Moses.  This was going to be their first time without a physical leader to guide them. 

In the first chapter we see that although they were in the land of Promise they still hadn’t possessed all of it. There were still enemies of God to be dealt with.   Remember last week I said that each of these people groups the ...ites... had been given chances to repent of their wicked ways but had not.

When we allow sin to occupy our life we get comfortable with it.  It eventually becomes normal and we don’t see it anymore.  God didn’t want the Israelites being comfortable with the Canaanites, Jebusites or any other ites.  It may seem harsh when we read of Adoni-Bezek losing his thumbs and big toes and yet we read of him doing this to seventy other kings.  Now he would be a worthless warrior and would be of no trouble to Israel anymore.  Difficult to function without your thumbs and your big toes.

It was a custom amongst the Romans who did not like military life to cut off their own thumbs so they wouldn’t be called into the Army.  Sometimes parents would do the same with their children so they didn’t have to go either (Clarke).

I want to read what Charles Spurgeon said of Acsah and how the requests give us a pattern of prayer.

i. She thought about what she wanted before she went to her father. Before you pray, know what you need before God. She came to God with a very definite request, that had been considered beforehand. "Think what you are going to ask before you begin to pray, and then pray like business men. This woman does not say to her father, 'Father, listen to me,' and then utter some pretty little oration about nothing; but she knows what she is going to ask for, and why she is going to ask it." (Spurgeon)

Some of us need to be more bold when we pray and to be specific.  Notice that she gets what she asks for.  Some of us are not getting what we want because we are not even asking.  Something to think about. 

It is interesting to note in 1:19 that Judah took possession of the hill country but they were unable to drive out the people from the lowlands because they had chariots.  Judah trusted God for one area of his promises but not another.  Were iron chariots a challenge for God….no.

The Israelites made a mistake when they forced the canaanites into forced labour.  As I said earlier we are not to compromise with sin.  Making decisions like this was going to cause a lot of problems for the tribes in the future.

One Pastor put it like this……

i. Essentially, the question is: what will we be satisfied with in our Christian life? For Israel, in Judges 1, they were satisfied with far less than what God wanted them to have, and far less than what God had provided for them.

ii. These Israelites didn't say "let's forsake God"; they simply decided that they would be satisfied with less. Once we satisfy ourselves with less than God's best for us, we will never be what God wants us to be.

David Guzik.

Chapter 2

We start this chapter with another history lesson from the Angel of the Lord (this is God appearing human form---- pre-incarnate Jesus).  He reminds the people of what He has done for them.  He gets into their business and asks them why they have disobeyed Him when they made a covenant to obey the Lord.  Confrontation is never fun but sometimes it is necessary just as in the case of the Israelites disobedience.  Disobedience comes at a price, there are consequences for sin.  I believe that at times I suffer the consequences of sin now because I didn’t deal with the problem when I was supposed to.  It doesn’t go away until we face it and deal with it.  We might be hard on the Israelites but we don’t have to look too far and see it going on in our own lives.

The Lord told the people that what he had promised in the past was now going to take place. 

i. But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then it shall be that those whom you let remain shall be irritants in your eyes and thorns in your sides, and they shall harass you in the land where you dwell. (Numbers 33:55)

The people wept for the consequences of their sin but we will see that their sin continues.  There is not a change in behaviour.  True repentance will show in our behaviour.  There should be a change.

There are some important lessons to be learned from the Israelites in v10ff.  There came a time whereby a generation grew up and didn’t know the Lord and didn’t know what he had done for Israel.  It is important as parents, Aunties,  caregivers that we talk of what the Lord has done for us with those coming behind us.  Reminding people of the goodness of God.  What are we passing onto the next generation?

The Israelites turned away from God and followed the gods of the people around them.  Baal was the god over the weather and nature for the canaanites.  This meant a lot in an agricutural society.  Then there was Ashtoreths.  This was the goddess of love, sex and fertility.  Baal and Ashteroth were not really gods at all and yet man had created them.  They wanted a god they could control or so they thought.

God is a jealous God which we read about in Joshua 24:19.  We are the bride of Christ.  It is Christ and His bride and He is not going to allow His bride to bring other lovers into the mix.  We look back in the old testament of people like David and Solomon having multiple wives.  It didn’t play out well. 

e. In the sight of the LORD: This implies that the sin was even more offensive to God. To give an extreme example, it is bad enough for a married person to commit adultery - but to commit adultery before the very eyes of one's spouse would be especially offensive. It is awesome to consider that all of our sin is done right before the eyes of God. (Guzik)

Who or what influences us today?  The canaanites and their lifestyle influences the Israelites greatly.  Back in Joshua 24 the Israelites were adamant that they would serve the Lord and now look where they are.  In a place of compromise and sinning blatantly against God and all they had agreed to.

God disciplines us because He loves us and desires for us to be repentant of our sin and to turn around and walk in fellowship with Him.  We are going to see a cycle over these next weeks of sin, bondage, deliverance, blessing and then straight back into sin again.  God is going to use specific people to deliver the Israelites.  They are called Judges (not as in a court of law) but more like a hero who God uses, in His mercy to save the people from themselves.

We sometimes need saved from ourselves.  However, because we sometimes think we know better God allows us what we want and we go through suffering and pain that really wasn’t necessary because  our hearts were set on things that were sinful.  We need to do heart checks now and again to see where our allegiance is….are we being faithful or unfaithful?